UnifoChart.Hierarchy NamespaceChart4.NET - Organization Charting Component (C#/VB.NET/ASP.NET) - Documentation
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Major features of the Chart4.NET organization chart control are:

  • Supports winform (HierarchyWin Control) and webform (HierarchyWeb Control) based .NET development.
  • Designer support for customizing the look and feel.
  • Easy specification of chart data - Assign a treeview or provide a database tablename and column names.
  • Import chart data from XML, any database/DBMS, CSV file, datatable or array. You can directly assign a treeview control (winform and webform), to chart it.
  • Import chart data from multiple datatables and linking of tables.
  • Node title and as many lines of hyperlinked text (separated by \n), in the node text property.
  • Sub charts - right click on the expand collapse button to go to subchart and back.
  • Alignment (Horizontal and vertical), margin and formatting for title, text, tag and photo within the node.
  • Auto positioning layouts of chart nodes with as many levels of nodes.
  • Expand and Collapse buttons for nodes, to get a better view of chart-parts.
  • ExpandRight and CollapseLeft buttons for nodes, to get a better view of charts with a large number of nodes and levels.
  • Fullscreen - Toggle fullscreen button.
  • Chart zoom (and initial zoom) and Scrolling (dragging the chart/scrollbar) to see the chart-node in more detail.
  • Preview for easy navigation in the zoomed chart.
  • Rich tooltips - node tooltips (of enlarged node), normal tooltips, transparent tooltips and form (winform) tooltips.
  • Dynamically (run-time) resizable amd movable charts.
  • Wide variety of chart and node events (including text hyperlinks within nodes).
  • Photos for individual nodes, common for each level of nodes, or all nodes of the chart.
  • Focus rectangle and transparent fill focus.
  • Drilldown for the node (web control) and hyperlinking and node items (win control) with custom hyperlink brush.
  • Transparentnodes and different node shapes.
  • Minimum font size and maximum font size for nodes.
  • Drag and drop of nodes with drop to child. Events start and completed contain source and destination node information, and facility to cancel dragdrop accordingly.
  • Custom brush, image and gradient background for chart and nodes.
  • Custom brush, font and color for node title, node text and node tag.
  • Custom formatting and optional settings that can specify for each level of nodes.
  • Three dimensional (3D chart) and shaded charts, with custom depth and angle.
  • Chart orientations for top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top, left-to-right, and right-to-left charts.
  • Chart layouts for flexible drawing of nodes.
  • Node connector types.
  • Custom menu (for chart and node), tools-trip and status-strip. WinForm Only.
  • Custom drawing (node) with settings and .NET controls (WinForm Only) for individual nodes.
  • Custom drawing (chart) with access to node (position, size, data) before chart is rendered. WinForm Only.

  • Search in chart nodes.
  • Export chart to different image formats like BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG etc.

  • In addition the webform control (HierarchyWeb class) has:

  • Client side (custom javascript function) and server side (postback) node event support.
  • Automatic drill-down to the specified navigateurl (client side).
  • Rich node tooltips and normal tooltips.
  • Dynamically (client-side) resizable and movable charts.
  • Zoom the chart using mouse wheel or slider. Scrollable chart with initial zoom.

  • NB: All the features are customizable and optional.
    Please visit OnlineUnifosys Charting website for more details.

    Public classChartExportOptions
    Settings to be used for chart exporting.
    Public classHData
    Holds node data corresponding to a chart node.
    Public classHierarchyBrush
    Public classHierarchyData
    Property collection of Data-binding/import and node-customization methods for hierarchy controls, accessible through HierarchyWin-hpcData and HierarchyWeb-hpcData property. [h]iearachy [p]roperty [c]ollection of [Data].
    Public classHierarchyEventArgs
    Event argument for the events (click, right-click, mouse-enter, mouse-leave etc.) of hierarchy controls (refer events of HierarchyWin and HierarchyWeb control classes).
    Public classHierarchyExportEventArgs
    Event argument for the chart export (PDF/Image) events.
    Public classHierarchyFont
    Drawing font for node title, node text and node tag.
    Public classHierarchyMenuStrip
    To create context menu for chart and nodes, accessible through HierarchyWin-hpMenu4Chart and HierarchyWin-hpMenu4Node property. WinForm Only.
    Public classHierarchyNode
    Custom settings for a hierarchy chart node, accessible through hpcData.Nodes[node-name] property of HierarchyWin and HierarchyWeb controls.
    Public classHierarchyNodes
    Collection of HierarchyNode objects, accessible through hpcData.Nodes property of HierarchyWin and HierarchyWeb controls.
    Public classHierarchyRange
    Runtime resize limits of the chart. Set in hpcSettings-Chart_ResizeRange.
    Public classHierarchySettings
    Property collection of Settings for HierarchyWin and HierarchyWeb controls, accessible through HierarchyWin-hpcSettings and HierarchyWeb-hpcSettings property. [h]iearachy [p]roperty [c]ollection of [Settings].
    • Text before first newline character (\\n), in treenode's Text property will be treated as title and rest as chart node's text. See Node_IsDataHasText property to change this. Title_ and Text_ prefixed property formattings are applied.
    • Text in treenode's Tag property (DataItem property in web treenode) will be taken as chart node's tag. Tag_ prefixed property formattings are applied.
    Public classHierarchyStatusStrip
    To display status bar for the chart, and to add/remove/update status-strip items. Applies to HierarchyWin-hpStatusStrip. WinForm Only.
    Public classHierarchySubChartForm
    Settings of the subchart window
    Public classHierarchyTable
    Datatable definition while you make a hierarchy of datatables, accessible through hpcData.Table[table-name] property of HierarchyWin and HierarchyWeb controls.
    Public classHierarchyTags
    Collection of HierarchyNode objects, accessible through hpcData.Tags property of HierarchyWin and HierarchyWeb controls.
    Public classHierarchyTools
    Property collection of Tools (export, winform search) for HierarchyWin and HierarchyWeb controls, accessible through HierarchyWin-hpcTools and HierarchyWeb-hpcTools property. [h]iearachy [p]roperty [c]ollection of [Tools].
    Public classHierarchyToolStrip
    To display toolstrip (containing labels, buttons etc.) in the chart. Applies to HierarchyWin-hpToolStrip4Left and HierarchyWin-hpToolStrip4Top. WinForm Only.
    Public classHierarchyToolTipForm
    Settings for custom winform tooltip accessible through hpcToolTip-FormToolTip property. WinForm Only.
    Public classHierarchyToolTipNode
    Settings for node picture tooltip accessible through hpcToolTip-NodeToolTip property. WinForm Only.
    Public classHierarchyToolTipNormal
    Settings for normal tooltip accessible through hpcToolTip-NormalToolTip property. WinForm Only.
    Public classHierarchyWeb
    Hierarchy chart control class that can embed in a WebForm.

    • Properties are prefixed with hp.
    • Property and method collection items are prefixed with hpc.
    • Events are prefixed with he.
    • Methods are prefixed with hm.
    • Specify basic chart settings in inherited _Init event, data in heHierarchyData event and drawing settings in heHierarchyDraw event.
    Public classHierarchyWin
    Hierarchy chart control class that can embed in a WinForm.

    • Properties are prefixed with hp.
    • Property and method collection items are prefixed with hpc.
    • Events are prefixed with he.
    • Methods are prefixed with hm.
    Public classHierarchyZoom
    Zoom control for organization chart.
    Public classLargeOrganizationSettings
    Property collection of Settings for HierarchyWin and HierarchyWeb controls, accessible through HierarchyWin-hpcLargeOrganization and HierarchyWeb-hpcLargeOrganization property. [h]iearachy [p]roperty [c]ollection of [LargeOrganization].
    • Chart_Layout property has to be set as LargeOrganization to apply these settings.
    Public classToolTipForm
    Custom tooltip form. To show a form as tooltip, derive a winform from ToolTipForm and set in HierarchyWin-hpcToolTip.FormToolTip.Form property. Also set HierarchyWin.hpcToolTip.FormToolTip.Show to true. WinForm Only.
    Public classToolTipSettings
    Property collection of Tooltip settings for HierarchyWin control accessible through HierarchyWin-hpcToolTip property. [h]iearachy [p]roperty [c]ollection of [ToolTip]. WinForm Only.

    Public delegateHierarchyDragDropCompletedEventHandler
    Event-handler delegate for hierarchy-chart drop and drop events. Refer events of HierarchyWin control class.
    Public delegateHierarchyDragDropEventHandler
    Event-handler delegate for hierarchy-chart drop and drop events. Refer events of HierarchyWin control class.
    Public delegateHierarchyEventHandler
    Event-handler delegate for hierarchy-chart events. Refer events of HierarchyWin and HierarchyWeb control classes.
    Public delegateHierarchyPaintEventHandler
    Event-handler delegate for hierarchy-chart paint events (WinForm Only). Refer events of HierarchyWin control class.
    Public delegateHierarchyWeb HierarchyExportEventHandler
    Event-handler delegate for chart export (WebForm Only). Refer events of HierarchyWeb control class.
    Public delegateHierarchyWeb HierarchyLoadEventHandler
    Event-handler delegate for on-demand data loading and drawing events (WebForm Only). Refer events of HierarchyWeb control class.

    Public enumerationAlignHorizontalType
    Horizontal alignment for an item within the node. Applies to hpcSettings-Photo_HorizontalAlign and hpcSettings-Text_HorizontalAlign.
    Public enumerationAlignVerticalType
    Vertical alignment for an item within the node. Applies to hpcSettings-Photo_VerticalAlign and hpcSettings-Text_VerticalAlign.
    Public enumerationBackgroundTemplate
    Background template name for node or chart. Applies to hpcSettings-Node_BackgroundStockList and hpcSettings-Chart_BackgroundStock.
    Public enumerationBackgroundType
    Background type for node or chart. Applies to hpcSettings-Node_BackgroundTypeList and hpcSettings-Chart_BackgroundType.
    Public enumerationBorder3DStyleType
    3D style of the border for node or chart. Applies to hpcSettings-Node_Border3DStyleList and hpcSettings-Chart_Border3DStyle.
    Public enumerationBorderShapeType
    Border type for node or chart. Applies to hpcSettings-Node_BorderShapeList and hpcSettings-Chart_BorderShape.
    Public enumerationBrushType
    Brush type for hpcSettings-Chart_BackgroundBrush, hpcSettings-Node_BackgroundBrushList etc.
    Public enumerationChartExportType
    Export format for the chart.
    Public enumerationChartLayoutType
    How to position the child nodes in relation to the parent node. Applies to hpcSettings-Chart_Layout.
    Public enumerationChartResizeType
    How the chart to be resized, on expand/collapse of nodes.
    Public enumerationChartSizingType
    Criteria to determine the chart's size.
    Public enumerationChartStyleType
    Chart display style. Applies to hpcSettings-Chart_Style.
    Public enumerationChartViewType
    Chart view to be displayed.
    Public enumerationConnectorCapStyleType
    Line-start and line-end styles for connector lines. Applies to hpcSettings-Connector_StartCap and hpcSettings-Connector_EndCap.
    Public enumerationConnectorLineType
    How to draw the lines connecting parent and children. Applies to hpcSettings-Connector_Type.
    Public enumerationDBMSType
    Database management system to which the connection-string belongs. Applies to hpcData-LoadFromDatabase().
    Public enumerationDrillDownModeType
    Behavior when user clicks a hierarchy node. Applies to HierarchyWeb-hpDrillDownMode. WebForm Only.
    Public enumerationGradientModeType
    Direction in which the change of color occurs for a LinearGradientBrush selected in hpcSettings-Node_BackgroundBrushList, hpcSettings-Text_BrushList or hpcSettings-Title_BrushList.
    Public enumerationHatchStyleType
    Patterns available for a HatchStyleBrush selected in hpcSettings-Node_BackgroundBrushList, hpcSettings-Text_BrushList or hpcSettings-Title_BrushList. See System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle for the description of patterns.
    Public enumerationNodeItemType
    Node item (if relevant) that raised the node event. Applies to HierarchyEventArgs-EventNodeItem.
    Public enumerationOrientationType
    Direction of the chart to draw from. Applies to hpcSettings-Chart_Orientation.
    Public enumerationPhotoSpecificationType
    Source of photos while using HierarchyData members (hpcData) to load data into the chart.
    Public enumerationSearchType
    Search criteria for hierarchy chart content. Applies to hpcTools-SearchLocate() and hpcTools-SearchNode().
    Public enumerationSubChartType
    Type of subchart(s) to be shown on a right-click on expand/collapse (+/-) button.