//url attribute is not mandatory in the following xml, and is not needed in Winform control
//Either load data from file like:
//string sPath = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);//webform control
//string sResult = HierarchyWeb1.hpcData.LoadFromXmlFile( sPath + "/sample.xml" );
//OR from inline XML as follows:
hierarchyWin1.hpDataXml = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-16'?>
<settings PhotoPath='' PhotoSpecification='UsePhoto_ImageList4Levels' />
<item text='Everything is Hierarchical' url='#idEisH'>
<item text='What is hierarchy?' url='#idWhat'>
<item text='Structure' url='#idStruct'/>
<item text='Organization' url='#idOrgn'/>
<item text='Classification' url='#idClass'/>
<item text='Why hierarchy is important?' url='#idWhy'>
<item text='Intention' url='#idInt'/>
<item text='Knowledge' url='#idKnow'/>
<item text='Which hierarchy matters?' url='#idWhich'>
<item text='Stress' url='#idStress'/>
<item text='Point of View' url='#idPOV'/>
<item text='Whether level matters?' url='#idWhether'/>
<item text='When to use?' url='#idWhen'>
<item text='Analyse' url='#idAna'/>
<item text='Modify' url='#idMod'/>
<item text='Who to assign?' url='#idWho'>
<item text='Sub-expert' url='#idExpert'/>
<item text='How to describe?' url='#idHow'>
<item text='Table of Contents' url='#idTable'/>
<item text='Hierarchy-Chart\nImpression\nBird`s-Eye View\nTotality\nAccessibilty' u
<item text='Static diagrammming /Drawing' url='#idHCs'/>
<item text='Dynamic programming' url='#idHCd'/>
<item text='What to do?' url='#idWhatTo'/>
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_IsSpaceNewLine = true;//split each word to a new line
hierarchyWin1.hpcData.ExpandAll();//will be refreshed too
//imageList1 is added to the form, and pictures already added
//altertnately you can create a System.Windows.Forms.ImageList object, and can add disk files to it
//To get clear photos in nodes, set apropriate ImagSize (preferably 48x48) and
//ColorDepth (preferably Depth32Bit) properties of ImageList (before adding images to it).
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Photo_ImageList4Levels = imageList1;
//to better view the photo, place texts at right, and bottom if required
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Text_HorizontalAlign = AlignHorizontalType.Right;
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Title_HorizontalAlign = AlignHorizontalType.Right;
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Title_VerticalAlign = AlignVerticalType.Bottom;
//distinguish title and text
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_IsDataHasText = true;//default is true
//hierarchyWin1.Refresh();//uncomment if immediate refresh needed
//reset any previous settings of image, since priotity is for this
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Photo_ImageList4Levels = null;
//we can set the common photo from an image resource
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Photo_Image4Nodes = Properties.Resources.huser;
//OR from an external file
//Image.FromFile( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "huser.png" );
//to better view the photo, place texts at right, and bottom if required
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Text_HorizontalAlign = AlignHorizontalType.Right;
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Title_HorizontalAlign = AlignHorizontalType.Right;
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Title_VerticalAlign = AlignVerticalType.Bottom;
//distinguish title and text
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_IsDataHasText = true;//default is true
//hierarchyWin1.Refresh();//uncomment if immediate refresh needed
//show rich tooltip and hide normal tooltip
hierarchyWin1.hpcToolTip.NodeToolTip.Show = true;
hierarchyWin1.hpcToolTip.NormalToolTip.Show = false;
//Enable hyperlinking and Add hyperlinking to first 3 lines of text
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_IsDataHasText = true;//default is true
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_HyperlinkEnabled = true;//enable the feature
//add an event to handle item click
hierarchyWin1.heNodeClick +=new HierarchyEventHandler(hierarchyWin1_heNodeClick);
void hierarchyWin1_heNodeClick( object sender, HierarchyEventArgs e )
//e.EventNodeItem has the clicked item (line of text/photo/text/tag/BG) of the node
//add a Stock background type to Node_BackgroundTypeList,
//and set that stock in Node_BackgroundStockList
//Since we are adding only one, that will be used for all levels of nodes
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BackgroundTypeList.Clear( );//clear that of all levels
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BackgroundTypeList.Add( BackgroundType.Stock );
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BackgroundBrushList.Clear( );//clear that of all levels
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_ImageTransparency = 6;//0-255 (0 means full transparent) - semi transparent
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BackgroundStockList.Add(BackgroundTemplate.YellowBricks );//for all levels
//hierarchyWin1.Refresh();//uncomment if immediate refresh needed
//add a brush background type to Node_BackgroundTypeList,
//and add that brush to Node_BackgroundBrushList
//Since we are adding only one, that will be used for all levels of nodes
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BackgroundTypeList.Clear();//clear that of all levels
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BackgroundBrushList.Clear();//clear that of all levels
HierarchyBrush hbr1 = new HierarchyBrush();
hbr1.BrushType = BrushType.SolidBrush;
hbr1.Color1Transparency = 45;//0-255 (0 means full transparent) - semi transparent
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BackgroundBrushList.Add(hbr1);//for all levels
//hierarchyWin1.Refresh();//uncomment if immediate refresh needed
//show rich tooltip and hide normal tooltip
hierarchyWin1.hpcToolTip.NodeToolTip.Show = true;
hierarchyWin1.hpcToolTip.NodeToolTip.IsTransparent = true;//transparent tooltip
hierarchyWin1.hpcToolTip.NormalToolTip.Show = false;
//chart has title only, no separate text part
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_IsDataHasText = false;//default is true
//add a brush background type to Node_BackgroundTypeList,
//and add that brush to Node_BackgroundBrushList
//Since we are adding only one, that will be used for all levels of nodes
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BackgroundTypeList.Clear();//clear that of all levels
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BackgroundBrushList.Clear();//clear that of all levels
HierarchyBrush hbr2 = new HierarchyBrush();
hbr2.BrushType = BrushType.LinearGradientBrush;
hbr2.Color1Transparency = 45;//0-255 (0 means full transparent) - partial transparency
hbr2.GradientOrientation = GradientModeType.SigmaBell;
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BackgroundBrushList.Add(hbr2);//for all levels
//hierarchyWin1.Refresh();//uncomment if immediate refresh needed
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Chart_Orientation = OrientationType.LeftToRight;
//hierarchyWin1.Refresh();//uncomment if immediate refresh needed
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Chart_Style = ChartStyleType.Shaded;
//hierarchyWin1.Refresh();//uncomment if immediate refresh needed
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Chart_Style = ChartStyleType.ThreeD;
//hierarchyWin1.Refresh();//uncomment if immediate refresh needed
//add a brush background type to Node_BackgroundTypeList,
//and add that brush to Node_BackgroundBrushList
//Since we are adding only one, that will be used for all levels of nodes
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BackgroundTypeList.Clear();//clear that of all levels
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BackgroundBrushList.Clear();//clear that of all levels
HierarchyBrush hbr = new HierarchyBrush();
hbr.BrushType = BrushType.SolidBrush;
hbr.Color1Transparency = 0;//0-255 (0 means full transparent) - transparent node
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BackgroundBrushList.Add(hbr);//for all levels
//hierarchyWin1.Refresh();//uncomment if immediate refresh needed
//show rich tooltip and hide normal tooltip
hierarchyWin1.hpcToolTip.NodeToolTip.Show = true;
hierarchyWin1.hpcToolTip.NodeToolTip.IsTransparent = true;//transparent tooltip
hierarchyWin1.hpcToolTip.NormalToolTip.Show = false;
//To make only the second level of nodes, circular
//add 3 norder shapes to Node_BorderShapeList, 2nd one being Circle
//3rd one added, will be used for all the rest of the levels of nodes
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BorderShapeList.Clear();//clear that of all levels
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BorderShapeList.Add(BorderShapeType.GradientRectangle);//for level 1
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BorderShapeList.Add(BorderShapeType.Circle);//for level 2
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Node_BorderShapeList.Add(BorderShapeType.GradientRectangle);//for 3rd & rest of levels
//hierarchyWin1.Refresh();//uncomment if immediate refresh needed
//show rich tooltip and hide normal tooltip
hierarchyWin1.hpcToolTip.NodeToolTip.Show = true;
hierarchyWin1.hpcToolTip.NodeToolTip.IsTransparent = true;//transparent tooltip
hierarchyWin1.hpcToolTip.NormalToolTip.Show = false;
//create a new brush and assign as chart bcakground
HierarchyBrush hbr3 = new HierarchyBrush();
hbr3.BrushType = BrushType.CircularGradientBrush;
hbr3.GradientOrientation = GradientModeType.SigmaBell;
hbr3.Color1 = Color.Khaki;
hbr3.Color1Transparency = 55;
hbr3.Color2 = Color.LightSeaGreen;
//pass brush and inform its type
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Chart_BackgroundBrush = hbr3;
//extra: render 3D chart
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Chart_Style = ChartStyleType.ThreeD;
//extra: move chart to center
hierarchyWin1.hpcSettings.Chart_Margin = 10;
//hierarchyWin1.Refresh();//uncomment if immediate refresh needed
string sQuery = @"SELECT id AS Id,
pid AS ParentId,
txt + '\n' + IsNull(duty,'') AS [text],
txt AS [value],
tooltip AS tooltip,
imagefile AS photo,
'' AS url,
(CASE category WHEN 'D' THEN 'Director' WHEN 'M' THEN 'Manager' WHEN 'E' THEN 'Executive' END) AS tag
FROM Parc1";