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The HierarchySettings type exposes the following members.
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The HierarchySettings type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Button_Collapse |
Image for collapse button.
| |
Button_CollapseLeft |
Image for left-collapse button.
| |
Button_Expand |
Image for expand button.
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Button_ExpandRight |
Image for right-expand button.
| |
Chart_BackgroundBrush |
Background brush for chart, in case Chart_BackgroundType set as Brush.
| |
Chart_BackgroundImage |
Background image for chart, in case Chart_BackgroundType set as Image.
| |
Chart_BackgroundStock |
Background template name for chart, in case Chart_BackgroundType set as Stock. Default is None.
| |
Chart_BackgroundTile |
Whether or not chart background image to be tiled. If set to false, the image will be stretched to available space. Default is true.
| |
Chart_BackgroundType |
Background type for the chart as one of BackgroundType. Default is Brush.
| |
Chart_Border3DStyle |
Border style for chart, in case Chart_BorderShape set as Rectangle3D. Default is Flat.
| |
Chart_BorderBrush |
Brush for chart border.
| |
Chart_BorderShape |
Border type for the chart as one of BorderShapeType. See also Node_BorderShapeList. Default is None.
| |
Chart_ExpandableLevels |
Maximum levels to be shown on the chart, in the range -1-100. Default is -1 (all expandable); value 0 means all collapsed. Rest of the chart will be shown on clicking expand (+) button, as a subchart (according to ShowSubCharts property).
| |
Chart_FixedLevels |
Fixed levels to show always on the chart, in the range 1-10. Default is 4.
| |
Chart_Layout |
How the nodes to be displayed/arranged as children. Default is FlexiExtended.
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Chart_Margin |
Chart margin on a scale of 0-10. Default is 10.
| |
Chart_Movable |
Whether the chart (Winform/Webform) is movable at runtime (clicking and dragging on title bar) or not. Default is false.
| |
Chart_Orientation |
Orientation of the chart as one of OrientationType. Default is TopToBottom.
| |
Chart_Resizable |
Whether the chart (Winform/Webform) is resizable at runtime (clicking on title bar and dragging borders) or not. Default is false.
| |
Chart_ResizeRange |
Resizable and movable limits. Applicable only if Chart_Resizable or Chart_Movable is true.
| |
Chart_Style |
Chart display style. Default is Normal.
| |
Chart_WideView |
Whether the child nodes to be enlarged for better view. Default is false.
| |
Chart3D_Angle |
Angle of nodes for 3D chart on a scale of 10-20. Default is 10.
| |
Chart3D_Brush4LeftList |
Brush for left side of 3D node.
| |
Chart3D_Brush4TopList |
Brush for top side of 3D node.
| |
Chart3D_Depth |
Depth of nodes for 3D chart on a scale of 10-20. Default is 10.
| |
Chart3D_Show3DText |
Whether or not to show 3D text in chart nodes (applicable only if Chart_Style set as ThreeD or Shaded). Default is false.
| |
Connector_Brush | Brush for node connector lines.
| |
Connector_EndCap |
Cap style for node-connector end as one of ConnectorCapStyleType. Default is NoAnchor.
| |
Connector_StartCap |
Cap style for node-connector start as one of ConnectorCapStyleType. Default is NoAnchor.
| |
Connector_Type |
Style for node connecting lines as one of ConnectorLineType. See also Connector_Brush. Default is Branch.
| |
Node_BackgroundBrushList |
Background brush for each level of nodes, in case corresponding level item in Node_BackgroundTypeList is set as Brush. See Remarks.
| |
Node_BackgroundImageList |
ImageList of background images for each level of nodes, in case corresponding item in Node_BackgroundTypeList is set as Image. See Remarks.
| |
Node_BackgroundStockList |
Background template for hierarchy nodes (for each level of nodes), in case corresponding item in Node_BackgroundTypeList is set as Stock. See Remarks.
| |
Node_BackgroundTile |
Whether or not node background image to be tiled. If set to false, the image will be stretched to available space. Default is false.
| |
Node_BackgroundTypeList |
Background type for the nodes as one of BackgroundType.
| |
Node_Border3DStyleList |
Border style for nodes as one of Border3DStyleType, in case Node_BorderShapeList set as Rectangle3D.
| |
Node_BorderBrushList |
List of brushes (for each level of nodes) for node border. See Remarks.
| |
Node_BorderShapeList |
Border type for the nodes as one of BorderShapeType. See also Chart_BorderShape.
| |
Node_Brush4FocusList |
List of brushes (for each level of nodes) for focus rectangle.
| |
Node_Brush4ShadeList |
List of brushes (for each level of nodes) for node shade.
| |
Node_Highlight |
Node highlight magnitude on a scale of 0-50. Default is 0 (no highlight). See Remarks.
| |
Node_HyperlinkEnabled |
Whether or not hyperlinking should be enabled for the hierarchy chart's node items. Specify Node_HyperlinkEnabledList to enable hyperlinking for individual lines of text. WinForm Only. Default is false.
| |
Node_HyperlinkEnabledList |
List of boolean values that specifies whether hyperlink is enabled for each line(including title) of text in the hierarchy node. Enable Node_HyperlinkEnabled too.
| |
Node_HyperlinkUnderline |
Whether or not hyperlinks should be underlined on mouse hover. Available only if hyperlinking is enabled and hyperlist is specified. Default is true.
| |
Node_ImageTransparency |
Transparency for node's background image [0-10]. 0 means opaque. Default is 0.
| |
Node_IsDataHasText |
Whether or not the node has title and text separate. If set to true, text before first newline character (\\n) will be treated as title and rest as node text. See Remarks. Default is true.
| |
Node_IsSpaceNewLine |
Whether or not space (' ') in the node text should be treated as newline (\n). See Remarks. Default is false.
| |
Node_Margin |
Node content margin on a scale of 0-15. Default is 5.
| |
Node_Size |
Node size on a scale of 1-40. Default is 40.
| |
Node_Size4MaximumFont |
Maximum font size for node title and text, on a scale of 1-40. Default is 15.
| |
Node_Size4MinimumFont |
Minimum font size for node title and text, on a scale of 1-20. Default is 8.
| |
Photo_HorizontalAlign |
Horizontal alignment for node photo. Default is Middle.
| |
Photo_Image4Nodes |
Common photo for all nodes, in case Photo_ImageList4Nodes and Photo_ImageList4Levels are not specified. See Remarks.
| |
Photo_ImageList4Levels |
ImageList containing photos corresponding to each levels of nodes, in case Photo_ImageList4Nodes is not specified. See Remarks.
| |
Photo_ImageList4Nodes |
ImageList of photos corresponding to each node, mapped by node's ImageIndex property. See Remarks.
| |
Photo_Margin |
Photo margin on a scale of 0-25. Default is 0.
| |
Photo_Size |
Photo size percentage [0-100] within the drawn node. Default is 40.
| |
Photo_Transparency |
Transparency for node's photo [0-10]. 0 means opaque. Default is 0.
| |
Photo_VerticalAlign |
Vertical alignment for node photo. Default is Middle.
| |
ShowExpandCollapse |
Whether the expand/collapse (+/-) buttons should be shown or not. Default is true.
| |
ShowExpandRightCollapseLeft |
Whether the right-expand and left-collapse buttons at the ends of expand-collapse (+/-) button should be shown or not. Default is false.
| |
ShowFocus |
Whether the focus rectangle should be displayed or not, when mouse is over a node. Default is true.
| |
ShowFocusFill |
Whether the brush filled focus rectangle should be displayed or not, when mouse is over a node. WinForm Only. See Remarks. Default is true.
| |
ShowFocusFullPath |
Whether the focus rectangle should be displayed or not, for all nodes, in the path to the node.
| |
ShowMessages |
Whether or not to show debug messages on the chart. Set to false on application release, and to true during development. Default is true.
| |
ShowRootLines |
Whether or not the node-connector lines from top of the chart to the top-most node(s) to be displayed. Default is true.
| |
ShowSubCharts |
Type of subchart(s) to be shown on a right-click on expand/collapse (+/-) button. WinForm Only. Default is NewWindow.
| |
ShowText |
Whether or not the text should be shown on the chart nodes. See Remarks. Default is true.
| |
ShowToolBar |
Whether the toolbar should be shown or not. WinForm Only. Default is false.
| |
Tag_BackgroundBrushList |
Background brush for each level of node tags. See Remarks.
| |
Tag_BrushList |
Brush list for each level of node tags. See Tag_FontList also. See Remarks.
| |
Tag_FontList |
Font list for node tag. See also Tag_BrushList.
| |
Tag_HorizontalAlign |
Horizontal alignment for node tag. Default is Middle.
| |
Tag_VerticalAlign |
Vertical alignment for node tag. Default is Middle.
| |
Tag_Visible |
Whether the node tag should be visible or not. Also, you have to set a string in node's tag property. Default is true.
| |
Tag_Width |
Node tag width on a scale of 0-50. Default is 20.
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Text_Brush4LinesList |
Brush list for node text lines. Also set Text_UseBrush4Lines to true.
| |
Text_BrushList |
Brush list for node text. See Text_FontList also.
| |
Text_FontList |
Font list for node text. See also Text_BrushList.
| |
Text_HorizontalAlign |
Horizontal alignment for node text. Default is Middle.
| |
Text_Pattern2Exclude |
Regular expression pattern of text to exclude from the node-text (eg: [[\w*]\w*] to exclude all characters within []).
| |
Text_Size |
Text rectangle size percentage [1-100] with respect to node-size. Remaining will be allocated for title. Default is 75.
| |
Text_UseBrush4Lines |
Whether or not brushes added in Text_Brush4LinesList should be used for each of the text lines. Default is false.
| |
Text_VerticalAlign |
Vertical alignment for node text. Default is Bottom.
| |
Title_BrushList |
Brush list for node title. See Title_FontList also.
| |
Title_FontList |
Font list for node title. See also Title_BrushList.
| |
Title_HorizontalAlign |
Horizontal alignment for node title. Default is Middle.
| |
Title_VerticalAlign |
Vertical alignment for node title. Default is Top.
See Also