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Assembly: UnifoChart.Hierarchy (in UnifoChart.Hierarchy.dll) Version: (5.1.0)
See also BrushType and GradientOrientation.
Color1 is used in the following way:
If BrushType
= LinearGradientBrush, then as brush color for first end.
= SolidBrush, then as brush color.
= HatchBrush, then as forecolor for pictographic style.
Namespace: UnifoChart.HierarchyIf BrushType
= LinearGradientBrush, then as brush color for first end.
= SolidBrush, then as brush color.
= HatchBrush, then as forecolor for pictographic style.
Assembly: UnifoChart.Hierarchy (in UnifoChart.Hierarchy.dll) Version: (5.1.0)
/** @property */ public Color get_Color1() /** @property */ public void set_Color1(Color value)
Field Value
See Also