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The HierarchyWeb type exposes the following members.
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The HierarchyWeb type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
HierarchyWeb |
Initializes a new instance of the HierarchyWeb class. WebForm Only.
Name | Description | |
hmIsOnRender |
Whether the page request is for the hierarchy chart or not. See Remarks.
Name | Description | |
hpAltText |
Alternate text for hierarchy chart to be displayed, if image is disabled in the browser.
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hpBackColor |
Background color of the control. Shows while loading the chart.
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hpcData |
Methods collection to load data into the chart. Methods are accessible in the code window only. See HierarchyData members.
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hpcLargeOrganization |
Property collection of settings for large trees. See LargeOrganizationSettings members.
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hpcSettings |
Property collection of chart and node settings. See HierarchySettings members.
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hpcTools |
Property collection and methods for the chart, for exporting and individual node-customization. Methods are accessible in the code window only. See HierarchyTools members.
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hpDataNodeCollection |
The tree-node collection that contains data items (nodes) together with text, title, tooltip, imageindex, navigateurl etc. Each line of text (the first one being the node-title) should be separated by \n in the tree-node's text property.
| |
hpDataTree |
TreeView control or object that contains data items (nodes) together with text, title, tooltip, imageindex, navigateurl etc. Each line of text (the first one being the node-title) should be separated by \n in the tree-node's text property.
| |
hpDataXml |
XML content that contains data items (nodes) together with text, title, tooltip, imageindex etc. Each line of text (the first one being the node-title) should be separated by \n in the tree-node's text property. See LoadFromXmlFile() for the desired XML format and remarks.
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hpDrillDownMode |
Action to happen on node-click. See also hpDrillDownURL and hpDrillDownTarget. Default is Inactive.
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hpDrillDownTarget |
Target of navigate URL on node-click. See also hpDrillDownMode and hpDrillDownURL.
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hpDrillDownURL |
Base URL to navigate on node-click. See also hpDrillDownMode and hpDrillDownTarget.
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hpLoadingHtml |
Html or text to display while chart is loading from the server. Can specify img tag too; but make sure that the image exists, irregular behavior otherwise. See Remarks.
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hpRefreshNeeded |
Whether to reload data of the chart on a drill-down (node-click). See Remarks. Default is false.
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hpShowContextMenu |
Whether the context menu should be displayed or not, in the bottom of the chart. Default is false.
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hpShowTitleBar |
Whether title bar should be shown or not. Default is true.
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hpShowToolTip |
Whether normal tooltip should be shown or not. Default is false.
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hpShowToolTipNode |
Whether the rich tooltip of the node should be shown or not. Default is false.
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hpShowToolTipNodeURL |
Base URL to provide rich node tooltip for nodes. Have to set hpShowToolTipNode to true.
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hpTitleHeight |
Height for title of the chart. Default is 25.
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hpTitleHtml |
Custom html for the chart title, in case hpTitleText is not specified.
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hpTitleText |
Title text for the chart.
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hpZoomByMouse |
Whether to zoom-in and zoom-out the chart on mouse wheel movement. Default is true.
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hpZoomMaximum |
Maximum extent upto which chart can be zoomed, either using zoom control or using mouse-wheel, on a scale of 100%-500%. Default is 300%.
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hpZoomValue |
Current zoom of the chart. Default is 100 (100%).
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hpZoomVisible |
Whether to show chart-zoom control button on right-bottom of the chart. Default is true.
Name | Description | |
heHierarchyData |
Raised when chart data is needed. Load data to the control here.
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heHierarchyDraw |
Raised when the chart drawing is to be refreshed. Set the chart drawing settings here.
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heHierarchyExport |
Raised when the chart is ready for further processing like exporting.
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heNodeClick |
Occurs when a node is clicked by mouse.
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heNodeExpandCollapse |
Occurs when a node is expanded or collapsed.
See Also